Save yourself.
Save your sanity.
Take a day off.
And another.
As often as possible.
For the rest of your now drastically improving life.
Change no non-plans once made.
Your day off is your day off. Unavailable means unavailable.
Let your phone die.
You will not recharge fully until you do this.
Nap when the urge to do so tingles you.
Your body knows what you need more than your scheduling software does.
Loiter unapologetically.
People watch. Listen to birds. Notice how squirrels don’t care what anybody thinks. Let a mug of hot coffee grow cold in your hand as you daydream.
Wear no clothes designed for working.
No underwires, steel toes, silk ties, or other unnatural entrapments.
Do not leave your bed upon waking.
Linger in the softness. Snuggle for a while. Stretch until you’re ready to put your feet on the floor.
Refuse all guilt linked to pleasure.
Enjoy the things you treasure without caring if anybody else thinks they’re trash.
Monetize no moments.
Your lifetime is worth more than you realize.
Allow no energy vampires to enter your spaces.
Banish the complainers, manipulators, rage-fountains, bullies and other monsters who don’t even realize their monsters.
Remember: doing nothing is vital work.
Rest is key to health. Lazy Saturdays are medicine you shouldn’t have to earn.
Wonderful piece!! So much needed thank you for all of these drawings