I made the mistake of clicking over into LinkedIn this week.
I know, I know. My eyes are still burning and I am forever unclean.
My main takeaway was that everybody talks ABOUT themselves but not enough TO anybody who might possible care. So after ruminating (unhealthy, admittedly) on the weirdly emotionless pile of posts I saw over there, I had to admit that, honestly: all anybody really wants to do is matter more, and if they just did a little redirection of their energy, they so, so easily could.
I mean:
If you want to matter more, speak to other people’s needs.
If you want to matter more, chose to hope more can be.
If you want to matter more, offend fewer.
If you want to matter more, say so honestly.
If you want to matter more, don’t deny what already does.
If you want to matter more, fight for better.
If you want to matter more, learn the absolute costs of things.
If you want to matter more, do the math on the immeasurable.
If you want to matter more, fight for good ideas, not against random people.
If you want to matter more, focus on your strengths.