Autophagy is the process by which dead and dying cells are broken down into useful components and recycled within the body. You’re doing it right now! You’re snagging bits of ragged protein and forging the future of your own, ongoing life by using what’s not working optimally to remain functional.
What an absurdly charming metaphor for the human experience!
The process of survival—upcycling a future via what is currently broken—is far more than biological.
We take the useful bits of broken moments and repurpose them every day. If you’re feeling unproductive or useless, please note: you absolutely are not. Your experience of brokenness or uselessness is simply the beginning of a process of renewal—even when you’re not fully aware of it. Because you are always using what’s not great (today) to make something better (tomorrow).
We’re all revisions in perpetual progress because we must take what we’re given and make it our own, in our own ways, in order to continue doing anything. What we see becomes what we get when we think about it, and the more we think about it, the better results we get (and the better we, ourselves, become).
For the following equations, the arrow represents the verb “becomes.” Think of the symbol as an equal sign (which is just the verb is, anyway) with slightly more poetry infused.
wow powerful concepts!! Thank you Jessica for sharing these with us